The necessary population inversion can be achieved in a variety of ways. 我们可以用各种方法来实现这种必要的粒子数反转。
The Preliminary Explore of Population Inversion and Spatial Homing Based on GIS 基于GIS的人口反演及空间归位初探
The rate equation formalism is used to develop the concepts of laser threshold, population inversion and modulation response. 比例方程式形式用来生成雷射临界点、能态数反转与调变反应的概念。
The theoretical results shows that both the rise of temperature and the rapid reduction of the desity of electrons can affect population inversion density and its area. 结果发现:电子温度的上升和自由电子密度的快速衰减都会影响体系粒子数反转的峰值和发生的区域。
And the frequency varying in impulse form can lead to some new collapses and new revivals in the evolution of the atomic population inversion. 当场频率随时间作脉冲变化时,布居数反转随时间的演化将诱发出新的崩塌和回复过程。
It is found that the collapse and revival phenomena of the atomic population inversion will disappear as the frequency changing with time in sine form; 研究发现:当场频率随时间作正弦变化时,原子布居数反转的崩塌和回复现象将消失;
The results show that this model's the time-evolution of the atomic population inversion and the atomic dipole squeezing is different from other intensity-dependent model, and that it can control effectively the atomic transition and quantum fluctuation by pulse width. 结果表明,原子的能级布居数反转和偶极压缩随时间的演化特性与其他强度耦合模型明显不同,而且可以通过脉冲宽度有效控制原子的能级间跃迁和量子涨落。
The possible mechanisms of population inversion under the average high temperature condition has been analysed. 分析了可能导致高温条件下粒子数反转的机制。
Our results show that population inversion is obtained in a wider central frequency range than for the coherent field case, and it is more advantageous in practical applications. 我们的研究表明,对于部分相干光,可在比相干光更宽的中心频率范围内建立布居反转,这正是实用上更有利的。
Using the latest parameter's data of Yb-Er co-doped Al2O3 films, the results show that Yb3+ co-doping can increase photoluminescence intensity and population inversion and lower the threshold power. 利用Yb-Er共掺Al2O3薄膜的相关数据进行模拟计算,结果显示Yb的掺杂可提高Er3+的荧光强度和反转粒子数,并使实现粒子数反转的阈值泵浦强度最大可降低一个数量级。
The modified average population inversion iteration method is proposed for calculating the gain and noise figure of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. 提出了改进的平均粒子数反转度迭代算法来数值计算掺铒光纤放大器的增益和噪声系数。
The steady state gain and lasing in a closed coherently and incoherently pumped a three-level 2-type atomic system are analyzed. The condition of lasing without population inversion and the laser intensity are obtained. 本文分析了一个被相干和非相干泵浦的三能级原子系统的稳态增益和激光特性,得出产生无反转激光的条件和激光的强度。
In this paper We use the rate equations for hydrogenlike ions to calculate population inversion for optically thin materials. 本文用类氢离子速率方程计算高度电离条件下光学薄介质粒子数反转。
Progress in the Investigation on Light Amplification without Population Inversion 无粒子数反转光放大的研究
The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method for controlling intersubband scattering rate, a central issue in so-called quantum cascade lasers, and facilitating the population inversion between subbands in quantum wells. 这一发现提供了一种新的控制子带间散射速率(量子级联激光器的主要机制)的有效方法,使得在量子阱子带间实现粒子数反转变得更加容易。
The ratio of population inversion is 0.44. 得到粒子数的反转比为0.44。
After solving the time-dependent states of this model, we study the evolution of population inversion for the ion numerically. 通过求解这一模型的系统状态随时间变化,数值研究了离子布居数反转的演化规律。
The influence of atomic motion perpendicularity to the axes of resonant cavity and initial states of the system on the atomic population inversion and double-atom dipole squeezing are analysed numerically. 通过数值计算,分析了原子垂直于腔轴的运动以及系统初态对双原子能级布居数反转和双原子偶极压缩的影响。
The extraction efficiency and the distribution of population inversion in multi pass amplifier are calculated theoretically. 理论上计算了在多程放大过程中反转粒子数的利用效率、反转粒子数的分布等。
And the performance of population inversion of the composite 180? 并且用数值计算方法对该组合180°脉冲的布居数反转效果进行了分析。
Using rate equation theory, the equation group including the population inversion density of the gain medium, photon density and the absorber ground state population density is acquired. 利用速率方程理论,得到包含激光增益介质反转密度、光子密度和饱和吸收介质基态布居数密度的速率方程组。
Many remarkable phenomena caused by atomic coherence are revealed, such as lasing without population inversion, electromagnetically induced transparency, slow and stopped light, quantum computation and quantum information processing, and inhibition of Lorenz strange attractor. 原子相干性引起的很多重要现象已经众所周知,比如无粒子数反转激光发射,电磁感应透明缓慢和停止发光,量子计算和量子信息方法以及洛伦兹奇怪吸引子的抑制。
Quantum coherent and interference have led to many interesting and significative consequences such as coherent population transfer ( CPTR), coherent population trapping ( CPTP), amplification without population inversion ( AWI) and superluminal, etc. 量子相干和干涉产生了很多有趣而又有意义的结果,如相干布居迁移(CPTR),相干布居囚禁(CPTP),无反转放大(AWI),以及超光速(Superluminal)等等。
It is found that the collapse-revival phenomena and quick oscillations due to virtual photon processes of the atomic population inversion are deformed as the frequency changes with time in the sine form. 当光场频率随时间作正弦变化时,原子布居数反转的崩塌回复过程和由虚光子过程引起的快速振荡均会受到影响。
Through soluting the population inversion density, the relationship between a certain output pulse energy and cavity loss, the necessary minimum diffraction efficiency of Q-switch, the reflectivity of output mirror and so on, are acquired. 通过对调Q反转粒子数密度的求解,获得了调Q激光器输出的一定脉冲能量与腔内损耗、所需最小Q开关的衍射效率和输出镜的反射率等的关系公式。
The population inversion and the trigger input must exceed certain thresholds to operate a two-photon laser. 双光子激光器必须有高于阈值的集居数反转和起动的触发脉冲。
Numerical simulations have showed the temporal evolutions of the population inversion in laser crystal and the intracavity photon by solving the rate equations. 通过求解速率方程组对激光介质反转粒子数、腔内光子数随时间的变化进行了数值模拟。
It is found that a large enhancement of the probe amplification with or without population inversion can be achieved by properly adjusting the strengths of the microwave driving field and the signal laser field. 研究发现,通过适当调节微波驱动场和信号激光场的强度,就能实现有或者没有布居反转的探测放大增强。
The four level actively Q-switched lasers are analyzed theoretically when the spacial distributions of the intracavity photon density and the population inversion density are considered. 在考虑腔内激光和反转粒子数空间分布的情况下,对四能级主动调Q进行了理论分析,并以实验的1123nm主动调QNd:YAG陶瓷激光器为例进行了理论计算。
We also present an infrared generation mechanism without population inversion between subbands in quantum well, superlattice and quantum dot lasers. 还提出了一种在非粒子反转条件下量子阱、超晶格和量子点激光器的红外发射机制。